We carry out Boiler Repairs in south Glasgow and surrounding area's. We have a genuine No Fix No Fee Policy. If for example a part required is no longer available for an obsolete appliance making it impossible to repair, there will be no charge. If we complete a repair on a first visit, regardless of how long it takes, we have a fixed fee of £60 inc plus the cost of any parts we fit from van stock. If a part is not in van stock, we will offer a no obligation fixed price quote to return and complete. Should the quote be declined there will be no charge. There are occasions, for example, we are asked to stop water leaking from an obsolete appliance that cant be repaired. In this instance there will be a £60 inc charge. If an appliance or gas fitting is found to be in a condition deemed to be unsafe, and requires to be capped off from the gas supply to be made safe, there will be a £60 inc charge.
Sometimes we are requested to do minor things, such as alter central heating control settings, top up system pressure, etc. Often it is just that the customer has forgotten how to do these things for themselves. Should we have to attend site for things like this, we wont charge the cost of a full repair, rather, we will charge a, "£30 inc Adjustment Fee." If we have to use tools or fit parts, the work will be classed as a repair.